Uniform Guide

Black Dress Shirt

Black dress shirts should be solid black without visible labels. This could include long-sleeve button downs, short-sleeve button downs, or a solid black polo shirt. May be paired with a black vest, suit jacket, or black tie.

Black Dress Pants

Black dress pants should be flat-front or pleated slacks. No jeans or sweatpants, thank you.

Black Dress Socks

Black dress socks should be solid black. Please no ankle-height or no-show socks, thank you.

Black Dress Shoes

Black dress shoes should be solid black. Please no tennis-shoes or concert Crocs, thank you.

Black Dress

Black dresses should be solid black without visible labels. Please be mindful when buying dresses about dress length. Students will be on raised platforms above the audience.

Black Dress Shirt

Black dress shirts should be solid black without visible labels. This could include long-sleeve button downs, short-sleeve button downs, or a solid black polo shirt.

Black Dress Pants

Black dress pants should be flat-front or pleated slacks. No jeans or sweatpants, thank you.

Black Dress Shoes

Black dress shoes should be solid black. We highly recommend ballet flats. High heels are permitted, but remember that students will be standing for long periods of time. Going for comfort may be more beneficial than vanity. Please no tennis-shoes or concert Crocs, thank you.